



Trade: Electrician, Plumbing, Carpentry, Labour

TradeSync synchronises data from email, ServiceM8 into and Xero to streamline the invoicing process.

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TradeSync eliminates the need for double entry and saves time and reduces human error.

The app was recently commissioned by a major electrical company to develop a customised solution tailored to their specific needs. Leveraging cutting-edge technologies like Bun, JavaScript, React, and Node.js, the TradeSync team delivered a highly customised invoicing and feedback system. This powerful combination of technologies ensures a seamless user experience while enabling robust back-end processing capabilities, seamlessly integrating with the company's existing infrastructure and workflows.

Product Goals

The Process

Integration Development

  • API Connectivity
  • System Testing
  • User Feedback Collection
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The Impacts

  • Streamlined booking management
  • Improved financial tracking and reporting
  • Increased satisfaction for users
